- проф. д-р Ради Романски
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- доц. Петя Кишева-Витанова
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- доц. Марин Маринов
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- д-р Татяна Иванова
- Malinka Ivanova, Tatyana Ivanova, Web 2.0 and Semantic Web: Possibilities for Authoring and Knowledge Representation, Revista de informatica sociala vol. VII nr. 12 /Decembrie 2009, ISSN 1584-384X, pp. 7-21
- Татяна Иванова, Валентина Терзиева , Приложение на Web 2.0 и Семантични Технологии в Web-базирани Системи за Електронно Обучение, Трудове на Института по компютърни и комуникационни системи, год.ІII, Том I, стр. 53-62, 2009 г., ISSN 1313 – 2210
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Ivanova, T., Component based development of ontology – based intelligent tutoring systems, International Conference on Information Technologies (InfoTech-2021), IEEE Conference, St. St. Constantine and Elena, Bulgaria, IEEE Xplore, IEEE, Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-0324-5, CD:978-1-6654-0323-8
Ivanova, T., Terzieva V., Тodorova К., An Agent – oriented architecture for strategy-based personalized e-learning, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference “Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering” (BdKCSE’2021), 28–29 October 2021, Sofia, Bulgaria
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Tatyana Ivanova „Modern technologies and e-learning – present and future“,22nd International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech’21, 18-19 June 2021, University of Ruse, Bulgaria, pp. 165–170 ;
Tatyana Ivanova, Valentina Terzieva and Malinka Ivanova „Intelligent Technologies in E-Learning: Personalization and Interoperability“,22nd International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech’21, 18-19 June 2021, University of Ruse, Bulgaria pp. 176–181;
Malinka Ivanova ,Valentina Terzieva, Tatyana Ivanova, and Katia Todorova ,“Modeling Students’ Learning Performance and their Attitudes to Mobile Learning”, International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning IMCL 2021, Солун, Гърция
Malinka Ivanova ,Valentina Terzieva, Tatyana Ivanova, and Katia Todorova “Learning Analytics – Survey and Practical Considerations for Intelligent Education” International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning IMCL 2021, Солун, Гърция
Terzieva, V. T., Ilchev, S., Ivanova, T., Todorova, K., & Savov, T. (2023). Technologies for Intelligent and Inclusive Education. In Handbook of Research on Advancing Equity and Inclusion Through Educational Technology (pp. 208-238). IGI Global.
Ivanova, T. I. (2023, June). Semi-automatic ontology development for supporting personalized tutoring. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (pp. 180-185).
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Ivanova, T., Terzieva, V., & Ivanova, M. (2023, July). Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Intelligent Tutoring: A Contemporary Glance. In International Conference in Methodologies and intelligent Systems for Techhnology Enhanced Learning (pp. 139-150). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Гл. Ас. Петя Петкова
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Ivanova, M., Petkova, P., Petkov, N. (2021). Statistics and Machine Learning for Behavioral Prediction of Operational Transconductance Amplifiers with Focus on Regression Analysis. In: Cao, W., Ozcan, A., Xie, H., Guan, B. (eds) Computing and Data Science. CONF-CDS 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1513. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-8885-0_25
M. Ivanova, P. Petkova, Петков Н. Т, Machine Learning and Fuzzy Logic in Electronics: Applying Intelligence in Practice, 2021, Electronics, issue 22, pp. 1-29, https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10222878